Tuesday, April 22, 2008

First Entry

So, what is this?

This is an attempt to spur my creative impulses. By journaling my process and progress, I hope that I'll be spurred to work on the stuff I want to work on rather than just the stuff I have to work on. Also, I'll keep tabs on what's going on with current or past projects.

If I invited you here, it's because you've encouraged me to write, or sing, or perform, or something, either with something you said or something you did or someone you are. Thinking that you're looking over my shoulder will keep me working on stuff. I'll try to put content on here regularly - the goal is everyday - so check back often, and always feel free to comment.

I've included a song to get started. It's something I recorded a while ago.

The most creative thing I've done since the last entry:
Started this blog.

The least creative thing I've done sine the last entry:
Shaved the back of my neck.

Stuff that helped:
Yesterday, I got the Talking Heads "Little Creatures" from the library, and played "And She Was" loudly in my car. It's been forever since I've heard that song. Also, an art show at school; great art by kids I maybe wouldn't expect if from. Also, spring.

Stuff that hindered:
I've got to grade those papers, damn it. And write those progress reports. Damn it.

Last project:
Editing, mixing, and mastering performance tracks for a new production of my musical. I'll be involved with rehearsals when they are a bit further along.

Current project:
None. None! But wait. Big idea is brewing.

Next project:
I'm going to meet with a former collaborator who wants input from a playwright (me!) about an idea he has. This is cool. He is cool.

Brought it up from the basement. Tried a chord. Gave up for now.

What I want to be reading these days:
"Waiting for Godot"

What I actually read recently:
Sunday comics. I was worried about Sherman.

I recommend:
Bent Objects

Here's that song. Hope you enjoy it.

Everlasting Happiness

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