Monday, August 4, 2008

Also, Too

Yeah, so it wasn't Bobby McFerrin in the airport, but some other dread-locked, linen shirt wearing, cool-looking black guy. Just a little bit of research revealed that Bobby is in France.

Still, not seeing him yesterday did get me thinking about him. Tomorrow perhaps I will walk the beach and return to his music. It's been a long time.

Bobby McFerrin has had a big impact on me. His album Medicine Music is profoundly beautiful. It's influence on me is made partially clear by a song I wrote sixteen years ago. Wow. Sixteen years ago. That's like it was written by a whole different person.

I was in an a cappella group at the time.

The credit that appears on the media player will be for Everlasting Happiness, because that's the name I chose when creating the site on But the performance is actually by Throat Culture, circa 1992. This recording is from the album A Cappella Head.

Also, Too

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